• Profitable Opportunity Seeker Mailing List •

This is THE mail order mailing list of Hot-Line U.S. OPPORTUNITY SEEKERS. It contains the names of EAGER prospects who are actively seeking ways to make money. Your offer could be just what they're looking for!
As recommended by J. Kirkman - Action Press

Every name is a carefully PRE-QUALIFIED opportunity seeker prospect who has inquired about or bought some type of money-making offer or opportunity WITHIN THE LAST 30 DAYS.

Successful Mailers All Agree...
... the single one most important element of any direct mail campaign is a fresh and responsive mailing list. You must have a good offer, of course, but the list you use could make or break you. If you mail Home Based Business, Money Making or Multi-Level offers Paul C. Wilson can supply you with TOP NOTCH, Hot-Line names at UNBEATABLE PRICES.

Fresh, Responsive Names... from Paul C. Wilson
These names are maintained on state-of-the-art computers and are updated daily to assure you of the very latest names for your mailings. Paul C. Wilson stands behind his names with the best cash guarantee in the business (see order page). Names are available with random zip codes or zip sorted on your choice of labels, plain paper or computer disk, at no extra charge. Order as few as 200 names to try without risking a big investment.

Easy Online Ordering

What Customers Say

You may Mail or Fax your order if you prefer. See Order Form

Super Low Pricing ~ Examples:
Available on •Peel & Stick Labels
•On plain paper ~and~ •By Email
Direct Mail Leads
200 Names - $35.00 Today: $28
500 Names - $60.00 Today: $48
1,000 Names - $85.00 Today: $68
2,000 Names - $150.00 Today: $120
5,000 Names - $300.00 Today: $240

Up to 30,000 direct mail names available
fresh monthly

List 1: Business Opportunity Seekers
1,000 email addresses $25.00 - Today: $20
5,000 email addresses $95.00 - Today: $76

List 2: Opt-In Business Opportunity Seekers
Email address plus first and last name

1,000 emails + names - $50.00 - Today: $40
5,000 emails + names - $185 - Today: $148

List 3: Opt-In Business Opportunity Seekers
Email address plus full name and address

1,000 emails, name, address - $75.00 - Today: $60
5,000 emails, names, addresses - $250 - Today: $200

Up to 100,000 emails available depending
on which list you choose.

We personally use, and are honored to offer you the PAUL C. WILSON name lists. Your order goes directly to Paul Wilson and is rushed to you without delay.

Order Online Directly From The Freshest List You Can Find...
Click Here to order safely and securely online or to Fax you order.

CLICK HERE for email contact or order inquiries